Call for applications of the residencies programme of the Institut français at the Cité internationale des arts– Automn 2020
Updated on 16/10/2020
With the utmost vigilance with regard to the health situation, and within the framework of its support of the cultural and creative industries, the Institut français is making every effort to support the artistic creation and launches a call for applications for its programme at the Cité internationale des arts for residencies of three or six months, between April 2021 and April 2022. The call for applications is opened until November 30th, 2020, included.
With the support and delegation of the French Ministry of Culture and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, subscribers of studios at the Cité internationale des arts, the Institut français allows nearly 70 artists each year to benefit from a residency in the heart of Paris.
This programme is intended for foreign artists, residing exclusively outside of France, wishing to develop a research and creation project in Paris, in all artistic disciplines. Artists must be supported by one or several cultural partners.
The French cultural network abroad and/or the associated partners, in France or abroad, are invited to submit applications on the IFProg platform. Applications submitted directly by artists shall not be accepted. They must absolutely be submitted by associated partners via the IFProg platform.
- Submission of applications: Until 30 November 2020, included
- Selection committee: January 2021
- Notification of results: February 2021
- Periods of residency: April 2021 – April 2022*
*N.B. This programme will be carried out with the utmost vigilance with regard to the health situation. Stays will remain subject to the conditions and sanitary instructions at the beginning date of the residence.
For any further information, please contact Mathilde Lajarrige, Project Manager - Residencies Department
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