Communication kit for multilingualism
Updated on 15/03/2022
The promotion of linguistic diversity is one of the priorities of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In order to give concrete expression to these commitments and to support the action of diplomatic posts in this field throughout the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Institut français is producing a communication kit for social networks in favour of multilingualism.
The communication tools produced can be deployed from 16 March on the social networks of the cultural services of embassies, establishments in the cultural network and their European counterparts in the EUNIC network in order to reach a wide audience and, in priority, young Europeans.
The communication kit produced for the cultural network on the occasion of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union proposes to tackle the issue of learning French and foreign languages in a fun and stimulating way, while relying on arguments and statistics pleading for linguistic diversity within the European area. By playing on the opportunities offered by mastering several languages (finding a job but also love, expanding one's horizons), it illustrates the idea that openness to languages can multiply one's chances.
The kit consists of around 20 pieces of content for social networks: posts, gifs and illustrations, particularly targeting 18-25 year olds who use these platforms extensively.