Novembre numérique NN20
© DR

Novembre Numérique (Digital November) 2020

  • Monde
From 1 November 2020 to 30 November 2020
This year, Novembre Numérique (Digital November) is celebrating its fourth edition all around the world thanks to the French cultural network abroad (French Institutes, Alliances Françaises, cultural services of embassies and consulates, etc.) and its partners.

This great celebration of digital cultures underlines the commitment of the Institut français and the French cultural network abroad to facilitating the general public’s access to new technologies, to showcasing the strong diversity of French creations, to building long-lasting partnerships with foreign professionals and to enabling international collaborations between artists, professionals and the audience.


While the current sanitary crisis is questioning our relation to digital technologies, on an individual and collective bases, as the number of online events has increased, Novembre Numérique will provide an opportunity  to pursue the reflection on the digital challenges during the course of this month.


 With numerous events organized in the French cultural network's venues or those of its partners, but also online, Novembre Numérique offers to explore new forms of creation (virtual and augmented reality, video games, new narratives, digital art, music, theater ...) but also to question the impact of digital technology on our societies and take a fresh look at issues such as equality, diversity, inclusion, education, environment, living together ...

« A Virtual Voyage through Mastepieces » : présentation d’oeuvres VR par l’Ambassade de France à Singapour © Ambassade de France à Singapour
Salon des métiers du numérique, Institut français du Nigéria © Institut français du Nigéria
« Beyond Reality Over Incheon Airport », une exposition inédite en réalité virtuelle à l’aéroport d’Incheon en Corée du Sud en collaboration avec le Festival du film fantastique de Corée du Sud (BIFAN). © DR
Exposition France eMotion, Alliance française d’Auckland en Nouvelle-Zélande © Alliance française d’Auckland
Exposition de réalité augmentée, Institut français de Jérusalem / Antenne Ramallah © Institut français de Jérusalem
Ateliers numériques pour les jeunes à l’Institut français du Tchad © Institut français du Tchad
Tournoi de jeux vidéo, Institut français de Djibouti © Institut français de Djibouti
Festival en ligne Multifest, Alliance française de Quito en Équateur © Alliance française de Quito en Équateur
Ateliers de création de bande-dessinée, Institut français de Gaza © Institut français de Gaza
Présentation de l’exposition Machines à bulles, Institut français du Cameroun © Institut français du Cameroun
Ateliers de jeux vidéo, Institut français de Madagascar © Institut français de Madagascar
Présentation d’œuvres VR autour de la thématique de l’univers, Consulat général de France à Hong Kong et Macao © Consulat général de France à Hong Kong et Macao
Présentation d’oeuvres VR, Alliance française de Chengdu en Chine © Alliance française de Chengdu en Chine
Présentation d’oeuvres VR, Alliance française de Chengdu en Chine © Alliance française de Chengdu en Chine
Présentation de Mr Chip, création en réalité augmentée, Institut français du Togo © Institut français du Togo
« Beyond Reality Over Incheon Airport », une exposition inédite en réalité virtuelle à l’aéroport d’Incheon en Corée du Sud en collaboration avec le Festival du film fantastique de Corée du Sud (BIFAN). © DR

Many fields use digital technology to innovate and to open new perspectives. This year again, Novembre Numérique (Digital November) allows everyone to discover the potentialities of digital technology through various disciplines, such as:


Digital Education

Education numérique (s'il vous plait)
© DR
A special focus is laid on Education for many projects of Novembre Numérique. Digital tools offer the opportunity to reinvent educational methods and open new horizons. But these tools often require learning and force us to question ourselves about their use. In Algeria, Ecuador and Burkina Faso, workshops on digital issues will be offered to young people. The Institut français of Germany, France 24 and the Franco-German Office for Youth (OFAJ) are offering a media and information literacy workshop. Conferences are also planned in Israel, Vietnam and Nigeria.

Video games

Jeux video Israël
© DR
This new edition of Novembre Numérique will highlight video games, a major industry in the cultural field and will invite you to discover the dynamic French creation in this sector. In Laos, the audience will discover games through their cell phones. For its part, South Africa will offer its first Game Jam where teams will participate in a competition to create video games, supervised by experts in the sector. Game demonstrations are also planned in Nigeria, Poland and Togo. E-sport tournaments will also be organized by establishments of the French cultural network abroad: whether in Djibouti, Afghanistan, Bulgaria or Cameroon, players will be able to compete on different games.

Digital book

Machine à lire Inde
© Institut français Inde
Through the exhibition of the French Institute "Machines à bulles", more than 30 countries will present the innovative forms of comics (Bulgaria, Dubai, Russia, Venezuela, Germany, Algeria, Guinea, Cameroon ...). Other events around comics will also be held. In Djibouti, for example, the public will be able to discover the professions of illustrator and scriptwriter through a workshop "Fabrique à BD", in Jerusalem the French Institute is organizing a French language Hackathon (creation of a digital comic book).

Severals programs will explore specific themes, for instance:

Le Cri
Le Cri


An invitation to travel and discover French and foreign heritage through virtual reality. Whether in Bulgaria, Angola or Indonesia, the audience will be able to explore some of our most emblematic monuments in total immersion. Some countries, including Sweden, offer you a dive in pieces of art, such as Monet's Water Lilies or Arnold Böcklin's Island of the Dead. Others will present French heritage through the France eMmotion exhibition, as in Angola or New Zealand.

Dans la Peau de Thomas Pesquet VR 2
Dans la Peau de Thomas Pesquet VR 2

Space adventure

Space, illustrated through digital creation, will also be a key theme in several programs. In Hong Kong, the Consulate's cultural service is taking the opportunity of the Science Festival celebrated in France to organize a dense and multidisciplinary operation, punctuated by a series of cultural and audiovisual events (VR exhibition, conferences, workshops and screenings) around the theme "Universe".  In Greece, Vietnam, Germany and Morocco, the presentation of the exceptional VR documentary "Being an Astronaut" will draw viewers into the universe as if they were together with the infamous French astronaut Thomas Pesquet.

Focus sur quelques événements


Stories and Actions: Technology for Change (Baltic podcast)

The French Institutes of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have worked together to offer you a series of podcasts, in French and English, on the consequences of technological developments on our world, with digital thinkers.

Franco-Brazilian podcast : Virtual

NewImages Festival has partnered with the Audiovisual Services of the French Embassy in Brazil  and the Consulate General of France in Recife to produce VIRTUAL, a series of conversations between France and Brazil with XR professionals.

Deconfine Digital Art Festival

French cultural networks in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan and India are joining forces to present Deconfine, an online digital art festival with French and South Asian artists and curators. The artists have worked with a variety of mediums and tools: video, virtual and augmented reality, performance and AI, etc. It is a special collaboration between the artists and the French cultural network to offer the South Asian audience the first multiform online media art exhibition.

Official launch of the Tech4sahel program

Joint project in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. This project aims to promote digital technology in the Sahelian zone, to train young people in digital tools and to help them to find a job thanks to these new skills.

Digital November in Argentina

Throughout the month of November, the cultural network of the Instituts and Alliances Françaises of Argentina will present a rich program and numerous online conferences on various themes. Whether for teachers, with conferences on engineering subjects, for students, to promote studies in France in the field of video games for instance, but also for the general public with, among others, a Science Café "Solar Eclipses in Argentina".

Few visuals from 2020 edition

NN20 Consulat Général de France à Hong-Kong et Macau © Consulat Général de France à Hong-Kong et Macau
NN20 Institut français d'Israel © Institut français d'Israel
NN20 Instituts français de Suède et d'Allemagne © Instituts français de Suède et d'Allemagne
NN20 Alliance française Arabie Saoudite © Alliance française Arabie Saoudite
NN20 Alliance française Guatemala © Alliance française Guatemala
NN20 Instituts français et Alliances françaises d'Indonésie ©Instituts français et Alliances françaises d'Indonésie
NN20 Consulat général de France à Jérusalem © Consulat général de France à Jérusalem
NN20_Deconfine - IF et AF de Inde, Népal, Bengladesh, Sri Lanka et Pakistan © DR
NN20 Institut français de Croatie © Institut français de Croatie
NN20 Alliance française de Mombasa Kenya affiche © Alliance française du Kenya
NN20 Institut français de Madagascar © Institut français de Madagascar
NN20 Alliance française Lagos © Alliance française Lagos
NN20 Institut français de Slovénie © Institut français de Slovénie
NN20 Institut français du Togo © Institut français du Togo
NN20 Institut français du Chili © Institut français du Chili
NN20 Centre Culturel Franco-Guinéen © Centre Culturel Franco-Guinéen
NN20 Institut français du Nigeria © Institut français du Nigeria
NN20 Institut français de Lettonie © Institut français de Lettonie
NN20 Institut français de Chine © Institut français de Chine
NN20 Institut français du Bénin © Institut français du Bénin
NN20 Institut français d'Oujda © Institut français d'Oujda

Participating countries and cities

Ongoing programming, other participating countries and cities to come







  • Argentina - Buenos Aires, Martinez
  • Brazil
  • CanadaQuébec, Dieppe, Moncton et Halifax, Tracadie, Toronto, Vancouver
  • Chile - Santiago
  • Ecuador - Cuenca
  • Guatemala - Cuidad de Guatemala, La Antigua, Quetzaltenango
  • Mexico
  • Peru
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela