The Villa Kujoyama
The Villa Kujoyama is open to established artists and creators, as well as to scientists working in duo or pair with artists, who have an original and singular research project requiring a period of immersion and research in Japan. The project must have a link with local issues and be likely to encourage active dialogue with local stakeholders.
Applications may be submitted by solo candidates, French pairs or Franco-Japanese pairs. The selection process involves experts and professionals in each of the disciplines concerned.
The Villa Kujoyama call for applications is open until midnight March 5, 2025.
Applications are limited to 250 projects.
Replay du Webinaire 2025
Tutoriel IF prog
The Villa Kujoyama offers three distinct programmes
a French or foreign candidate residing in France for at least 5 years presents a research and creation project.
two French or foreign candidates residing in France for at least 5 years present a joint project.
a French or foreign candidate who has been residing in France for at least 5 years in collaboration with a Japanese candidate residing in Japan presents a joint project.
Relevant Disciplines
- architecture
- landscape
- urban planning
- street arts
- circus / puppets
- digital arts / digital production
- visual arts
- comics / graphic novels
- film / video art
- criticism and curation
- dance / performance
- design / graphic design
- gastronomy
- books
- crafts
- fashion
- classical music / contemporary music / new music / jazz
- photography
- theatre
- arts and sciences
Villa Kujoyama
Built in 1992 by architect Kunio Kato on Higashiyama Mountain in Kyoto, Villa Kujoyama is the first French multidisciplinary research residency in Asia and is designed to strengthen intercultural dialogue between France and Japan. The laureates of Villa Kujoyama are called upon to establish working relationships with the professional, academic, artistic and cultural communities of Kyoto, the Kansai region and the entire archipelago. In order to do so, they can rely on the Villa Kujoyama team, on the collaborations established with the Japanese network in the academic, cultural and scientific circles and on the French cultural network in Japan, which, along with the Villa Kujoyama, is made up of the 5 branches of the Institut français du Japon (Fukuoka, Kyoto-Osaka, Tokyo, Yokohama, Okinawa), of the 4 Alliances françaises (Nagoya, Sapporo, Sendai, Tokushima), and of a research institute (Tokyo).
2025 Laureates
- Émilie BROUT & Maxime MARION / moëra, in the Digital Creation discipline, for a 4-month residency.
- Agathe CHARNET / Himono-onna 干物女: What to bring into the world today? in the Theater discipline, for a 5-month residency.
- César DEBARGUE / Floating Clouds, in the Visual Arts discipline, for a 4-month residency.
- Régis FLOURY / TARSIA A TOPPO & YOSEGI ZAIKU, in the Crafts discipline, for a 5-month residency.
- Mark GEFFRIAUD / Traditional Japanese Architecture, a Contemporary Ecology, in the Visual Arts discipline, for a 6-month residency.
- Domitille MARTIN / Moving Worlds, in the Street Arts, Circus, Puppetry discipline, for a 4-month residency.
- Théo MOUZARD and Marine ROYER / Post-architecture - Taking care and repairing in the face of disasters in Japanese rurality: from resource to place, from landscape to object, in the Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism discipline, for a 4-month residency.
- Mona OREN / The Hazé Wax, a treasure to explore! in the Crafts discipline, for a 5-month residency.
- Delphine PANIQUE / "Things that lose when painted" (provisional title), in the Comics discipline, for a 4-month residency.
- Maël PÉNEAU / Mid-0, in the Contemporary Music and Jazz discipline, for a 4-month residency.
- Martin PLANCHAUD / Shokudo, in the Gastronomy discipline, for a 5-month residency.
- Grégoire SCHALLER and Darius DOLATYARI-DOLATDOUST / grieving, in the Dance discipline, for a 4-month residency.
- Vincent TUSET-ANRÈS / Panorama of the Artist's Book in Japan / Traditional Know-how and Contemporary Practices, in the Design / Graphics discipline, for a 4-month residency.
- Marion VIDAL / JEWEL-BAMBOO & other fashion accessories, in the Fashion discipline, for a 5-month residency.
- The Executive Director of Villa Kujoyama
- The Residencies Department and sector experts from the Institut français
- Sector experts from the Ministry of Culture
- Sector experts from the French Institute of Japan
- Qualified personalities based in France and Japan
- Fashion : Sophie Kurkdjian, Directrice de Culture(s) de mode
- Gastronomy : Alexandre Gauthier, Chef cuisinier à La Grenouillère
- Crafts : Camille Bidaut, Responsable des projets culturels et patrimoniaux à l’Institut pour les savoir-faire français (ex Institut National des Métiers d’Art)
- Visual arts and Curation : Elodie Royer, Curatrice indépendante et ancienne lauréate à la Villa Kujoyama, Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel, Directrice de Lafayette Anticipations, historienne de l’art et commissaire d’exposition, Olivier Mignon, Auteur conférencier indépendant
- Cinema : Kentaro Sudoh, Professeur de cinéma à la Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Photography : Julie Jones, Historienne de l’art et conservatrice au Centre Pompidou
- Architecture : Dimitri Roussel, Architecte et directeur de l’agence Dream
- Digital arts : Gilles Alvarez, Directeur artistique de la Biennale Internationale des Arts Numériques de Paris/Île-de-France
- Design / Graphic design : François Azambourg, Designer indépendant et enseignant à l’ENSCI
- Comics : Oussouby Sacko, Président de l’Université de Kyoto Seika
- Litterature : Michaël Ferrier, Auteur conférencier indépendant
- Dance : Jasmine Lebert, Directrice générale et directrice artistique spectacle vivant au 3BisF
- Theatre, Street arts, Circus, Puppets : Pierre Quenehen, Directeur de l’Espace Germinal
- New music / Jazz : : Clarisse Arnou, Co-directrice du label Yotanka
- Classical and contemporary music : Wataru Miyakawa, Professeur de musicologie à l’université de Provence Aix-Marseille
- Sciences / Research : Philippe Codognet, Chercheur et co-directeur français du laboratoire international associé Japanese French Laboratory for Informatics (JFLI) entre le CNRS, Sorbonne Université et l’Université de Tokyo
The final Franco-Japanese jury, chaired by Adèle Fremolle, Deputy Director of Villa Kujoyama, was made up of :
- Charles-Henri Brosseau, Cultural Advisor and Director of the French Institute of Japan, and Samson Sylvain, Cultural Attaché and Head of the Art Department at the French Institute of Japan - representatives of the French Embassy in Japan.
- Marine Demailly, Culture and Media Editor - representing the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
- Delphine Fournier, visual arts delegate - representative of the French Ministry of Culture
- Chloé Fricout, Head of the “Residences” Department and Julie Ferrif, Project Manager for the “Residences” Department - representing the Institut français
- Reiko Setsuda, curator at the Fondation Hermès
- Aya Soejima, independent performing arts expert
- Excused: Nicolas Vergneau, in charge of the residencies policy, creative third-party spaces and cross-functional programs to support creation.
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